Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Vernal Equinox

Today is the first day of spring! My favorite season, so full of life. The smell of dirt and the new growth surrounding you. I look outside, hoping by some magic that the snow storm yesterday was just a dream, and I see this.

Not just yet. I'll have to wait a while longer. At this rate, we might skip spring altogether and jump right into summer! This time last year, it was already in the mid-70's. Ah, well.

I started my newest cross stitch project. Someone wants a James Bond stitch, so I am using the iconic image of the gun barrel, with a silhouette in the middle. It's a simple image, but this time I am using 10 different colors instead of the 5 I usually do. I'm also doubling up on floss, meaning I am using two strands instead of 1. I want to eliminate the small amount of white in between all my X's.
That black bar looks pretty solid.
This one is also a bit bigger than usual. I have the feeling I am going to have to make a trip to the store to stock up on some more floss, lest I run out.
I also have a vacation from work coming up soon, so hopefully I will get on the crafty train. Sometimes it's tough to motivate myself after a long day at work. There'll be no excuses on my vacation however!

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